Kendall's tau at different lags or change point ranges

ts_slope(y, win = NA, changepoint = NA, doPlot = FALSE)



A numeric vector


Numeric vector with 1 or 2 values. If changepoint != NA, Kendall's tau will be calculated in a window around the change point. If one value is provided a symmetric window, otherwise changepoint - win[1] and changepoint + win[2]. If changepoint == NA Kendall's tau will be calculated in a sliding window.


If not NA, it has to be an index of y. If win is NA Kendall's tau will be calculated in 1:changepoint, otherwise the values of win will be used to create a window. If both changepoint and win are NA Kendall's tau will be calculated on all of y.


provide a plot


A data frame


ts_slope(y=rnorm(100), doPlot = TRUE)
#> Error in ts_slope(y = rnorm(100), doPlot = TRUE): object 'X' not found