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Calculate the maximum possible number of recurrent points in a recurrence matrix.


rp_size(RM = NULL, dims = NULL, AUTO = NULL, theiler = NULL)



A Matrix object


Two element vector representing the dimensions of Matrix RM. If dims is provided, the Matrix does not have to be passed as an argument (default = NA)


Is the Matrix an Auto Recurrence Matrix? If so, the length of the diagonal will be subtracted from the matrix size, pass FALSE to prevent this behaviour. If NULL (default) AUTO will take on the value of isSymmetric(RM).


Should a Theiler window be applied?


Matrix size for computation of recurrence measures.


This function can take into account the presence of a theiler window, that is the points in the window will be excluded from the calculation. For example, some scholars will exclude the main diagonal from the calculation of the recurrence rate.

See also

Other Distance matrix operations (recurrence plot): bandReplace(), createCorridor(), mat_di2bi(), mat_di2ch(), mat_di2we(), mat_hamming(), rp(), rp_lineDist(), rp_nzdiags(), rp_plot()


# Create a 10 by 10 matrix
m <- Matrix(rnorm(10),10,10)

rp_size(RM = m, AUTO = TRUE, theiler = 0)  # Subtract diagonal
#> $rp_size_total
#> [1] 100
#> $rp_size_theiler
#> [1] 100
rp_size(RM = m, AUTO = FALSE,theiler = 0)  # Do not subtract diagonal
#> $rp_size_total
#> [1] 100
#> $rp_size_theiler
#> [1] 100
rp_size(RM = m, AUTO = NULL, theiler = 0)  # Matrix is symmetrical, AUTO is set to TRUE
#> $rp_size_total
#> [1] 100
#> $rp_size_theiler
#> [1] 100
rp_size(RM = m, AUTO = NULL, theiler = 1)  # Subtract a Theiler window of 1 around and including the diagonal
#> $rp_size_total
#> [1] 100
#> $rp_size_theiler
#> [1] 90

# Calculate without a matrix
rp_size(dims = c(10,10), AUTO = TRUE, TRUE,0)
#> $rp_size_total
#> [1] 100
#> $rp_size_theiler
#> [1] 100
rp_size(dims = c(10,10), AUTO = FALSE,FALSE,0)
#> $rp_size_total
#> [1] 100
#> $rp_size_theiler
#> [1] 100