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This function will run the commandline Recurrence Plots executable provided by Norbert Marwan.


  y2 = NULL,
  emDim = 1,
  emLag = 1,
  emRad = NA,
  DLmin = 2,
  VLmin = 2,
  theiler = 0,
  win = min(length(y1), ifelse(is.null(y2), (length(y1) + 1), length(y2)), na.rm = TRUE),
  step = win,
  distNorm = c("EUCLIDEAN", "MAX", "MIN", "OP")[[1]],
  standardise = c("none", "", "median.mad")[1],
  returnMeasures = TRUE,
  returnRPvector = FALSE,
  returnLineDist = FALSE,
  doPlot = c("noplot", "rp", "distmat")[[1]],
  path_to_rp = getOption("casnet.path_to_rp"),
  saveOut = FALSE,
  path_out = NULL,
  file_ID = NULL,
  silent = TRUE,
  surrogateTest = FALSE,
  targetValue = 0.05,
  useParallel = FALSE,



Time series 1


Time series 2 for Cross Recurrence Analysis (default = NULL)


Embedding dimensions (default = 1)


Embedding lag (default = 1)


Radius on distance matrix (default = 1)


Minimum length of diagonal structure to be considered a line (default = 2)


Minimum length of vertical structure to be considered a line (default = 2)


Theiler window (default = 0)


Window to calculate the (C)RQA (default = minimum of length of y1 or y2)


Stepsize for sliding windows (default = size of win, so no sliding window)


Wether to calculate a Joint Recurrence Plot (default = FALSE)


One of "EUCLIDEAN" (default), "MAX", "MIN", or "OP" for an Order Pattern recurrence matrix


Standardise data: "none" (default), "", or "median.mad"


Return the (C)RQA measures? (default = TRUE)


Return the recurrent points in a dataframe? (default = FALSE)


Return the distribution of diagonal and horizontal line length distances (default = FALSE)


Produce a plot of the recurrence matrix by calling rp_plot(), values can be "rp" (the thresholded recurrence matrix),"distmat" (the unthresholded recurrence matrix) or "noplot" (default = "noplot")


Path to the command line executable (default = path set during installation, use getOption("casnet.path_to_rp") to see)


Save the output to files? If TRUE and path_out = NA, the current working directory will be used (default = FALSE)


Path to save output if saveOut = TRUE (default = NULL)


A file ID which will be a prefix to to the filename if saveOut = TRUE (default = NULL, an integer will be added tot the file name to ensure unique files)


Do not display any messages (default = TRUE)


Perform surrogate tests. If TRUE, will run surrogate tests using default settings for a two-sided test of \(H_0: The data generating process is a rescaled linear Gaussian process\) at \(\alpha = .05\) (arguments ns = 39, fft = TRUE, amplitude = TRUE)


A value passed to est_radius(...,type="fixed", targetMeasure="RR") if This is useful for windowed analysis, it will estimate a new radius for each window.


Speed up calculations by using the parallel processing options provided by parallel to assign a seperate process/core for each window in windowed (C)RQA analysis and parallel::detectCores() withlogical = TRUE to decide on the available cores (default = FALSE)


Additional parameters (currently not used)


A list object containing 1-3 elements, depending on arguments requesting output.

  • rqa_measures - A list of the (C)RQA measures returned if returnMeasures = TRUE:

    1. RR = Recurrence rate

    2. DET = Determinism

    3. DET_RR = Ratio DET/RR

    4. LAM = Laminarity

    5. LAM_DET = Ratio LAM/DET

    6. L_max = maximal diagonal line length

    7. L_mean = mean diagonal line length

    8. L_entr = Entropy of diagonal line length distribution

    9. DIV = Divergence (1/L_max)

    10. V_max = maximal vertical line length

    11. TT = Trapping time

    12. V_entr = Entropy of vertical line length distribution

    13. T1 = Recurrence times 1st type

    14. T2 = Recurrence times 2nd type

    15. W_max = Max interval length

    16. W_mean = Mean of interval lengths

    17. W_entr = Entropy of interval length distribution

    18. W_prob = Probability of interval

    19. F_min = F min

  • rqa_rpvector - The radius thresholded distance matrix (recurrence matrix), which can be visualised as a recurrence plot by calling rp_plot(). If a sliding window analysis is conducted this will be a list of matrices and could potentially grow too large to handle. It is recommended you save the output to disk by setting saveOut = TRUE.

  • rqa_diagdist - The distribution of diagonal line lengths


The rp executable is installed when the function is called for the first time and is renamed to rp, from a platform specific filename downloaded from or extracted from an archive located in the directory: ...\\casnet\\commandline_rp\\ The file is copied to the directory: ...\\casnet\\exec\\ The latter location is stored as an option and can be read by calling getOption("casnet.path_to_rp").


The platform specific rp command line executables were created by Norbert Marwan and obtained under a Creative Commons License from the website of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research at

The full copyright statement on the website is as follows:


University of Potsdam, Interdisciplinary Center for Dynamics of Complex Systems, Germany

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Transdisciplinary Concepts and Methods, Germany

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Germany License.

More information about recurrence analysis can be found on the Recurrence Plot website.


Some notes on resolving errors with rp.The script will first try to download the correct executable, if that fails, the copy will have... failed. It should be relatively easy to get rp_cl() working though, by using some custom settings:

  • Copy failed - Every time the function rp_cl() is called it will check whether a log file rp_instal_log.txt is present in the ...\\casnet\\exec\\ directory. If you delete the rp_instal_log.txt file, and call the function, another attempt will be made to download a copy of the executable.

  • Copy still fails and/or no permission to copy - If you cannot acces the directory ...\\casnet\\commandline_rp\\, download the appropriate executable from the Commandline Recurrence Plots page and copy to a directory you do have the rights to: execute commands, write and read files. Make sure you rename the file to rp (rp.exe on Windows OS). Then, either pass the path to rp as the argument path_to_rp in the rp_cl(.., path_to_rp = "YOUR_PATH") function call, or, as a more permanent solution, set the path_to_rp option by calling options(casnet.path_to_rp="YOUR_PATH").

  • Error in execution of rp - This can have a variety of causes, the rp executable is called using system2() and makes use of the normalizePath() function with argument mustWork = FALSE. Problems caused by specific OS, machine, or, locale problems (e.g. the winslash can be reported as an issue on Github). One execution error that occurs when the OS is not recognised properly can be resolved by chekcing getOption("casnet.rp_prefix"). On Windows OS this should return an empty character vector, on Linux or macOS it should return "./". You can manually set the correct prefix by calling options(casnet.rp_prefix="CORRECT OS PREFIX") and fill in the prefix that is correct for your OS

See also

Other Recurrence Quantification Analysis: rp_measures(), rp_measures_main()