This function will create a Multiplex Recurrence Network from a list of igraph objects that can be considered the layers of a network. The layers must have the same number of nodes. There are two modes of operation: Layer similarity (MRNweightedBy
is set to "InterLayerMI"
, "InterLayerCor"
, "EdgeOvelap"
, or "JRP
") and Layer importance (not implemented yet). The former generates weighted MRN based on Interlayer Mutual Information, Interlayer Correlation, Edge Overlap, Joint Recurrence Rate.
MRNweightedBy = c("InterLayerMI", "InterLayerCor", "EdgeOverlap", "JRP")[1],
jrp_measure = "RR",
win = NA,
step = NA,
overlap = NA,
alignment = "r",
cumulative = FALSE,
doPlot = FALSE,
silent = TRUE
- layers
A list of igraph objects representing the layers of the multiplex network. The layer networks must all have the same number of vertices.
- MRNweightedBy
The measure to be used to evaluate the average structural similarities between the layers of the network. Valid options are:
(Mutual information based on similarity of the vertex degree across layers),"InterLayerCor"
(pearson correlation between vertex degree or strength of each layer pair),"EdgeOverlap"
(proportion of vertices sharing the same edges across layers), or"JRP"
which will calculate a joint recurrence plot for each layer pair and add the value passed tojrp_measure
as the measure of association (default =InterLayerMI
)- jrp_measure
Which JRP measure should be used to asses layer similarity. Use a column name of the data frame output by rp_measures (default =
)- win
The window size passed to
in which to evaluate"InterLayerMI"
, or "JRP
". (default =NA
).- step
The stepsize for the sliding window (default =
).- overlap
The window overlap passed to
. The value ofstep
will be ignored ifoverlap
is notNA
. (default =NA
).- alignment
Whether to right (
), center ("c"
), or left ("l"
) align the window.- cumulative
To make the network represent cumulative time, set
directed = TRUE
andcumulative = TRUE
. This will set the upper triangle of the recurrence matrix to0
and ensures that the network edges represent recurrent values that have occurred in thepast
relative to the current observed value (node). Ifdirected = FALSE
the argument is ignored (default =TRUE
).- doPlot
Plot the multiplex recurrence network (default =
).- silent
Silent-ish mode. (default = FALSE).
A list object with a (windowed) Multiplex Recurrence Matrix based on MRNweightedBy
interlayerMI - One or more matrices with edge weights between layers that represent the interlayer Mutual Information.
interlayerCor - One or more matrices with edge weights between layers that represent the Pearson correlation between vertex degrees (or strength if layers are weighted graphs) of layers.
edgeOverlap - One or more matrices with edge weights between layers that represent the overlapping edges between layers.
jointRP - One or more matrices with edge weights between layers that represent the value of the joint RP passed in
. The default is the"RR"
of joint Recurrence Plot of the two layers.The field meanValues contains one or more matrices that represent the means and SDs of the weights requested in
. The measureeo_joint
(returned with"edgeOverlap"
) refers to the number of edges shared among all layers of the MRN.
# Create some layers
layers <- list(g1 = igraph::sample_smallworld(1, 100, 5, 0.05),
g2 = igraph::sample_smallworld(1, 100, 5, 0.5),
g3 = igraph::sample_smallworld(1, 100, 5, 1))
mrn(layers = layers)